Day Trading Demystified

Many people see the stock market as a way to strike it rich. Others view it as a mysterious entity that is impossible to understand.

Today’s guest on Lessons in Savvy Living will talk about her career as a day trader. During her work as a Day Trading Coach, Marina Villatoro teaches a proven system that helps to systematize and demystify the world of stocks and bonds.

You can find Marina Villatoro on Facebook at Simplifying Day Trading or on her website at

The Devastating Effects of the Death of a Sibling

The coronavirus has brought death too close to too many of us. The days of taking our loved ones for granted are over. In today’s podcast episode, we explore what it is like to lose a close family member.

In this episode of Lessons in Savvy Living, guest Melissa Salerno recalls the death of her beloved brother. She also talks about the effect that it has had on her life and the devastating effects that it has had on her family.

Find Melissa on her blog, Facebook, or Instagram at